Cavity Filling Costs in 2023 - With and Without Insurance

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Table of Contents

  1. What Are Cavity Fillings
  2. Cavity Fillings Cost With Insurance
  3. Cavity Fillings Cost Without Insurance
  4. Type of Tooth Fillings
  5. Other tooth filling costs to consider
  6. Discussing Cost with Insurance Companies
  7. Ways to Get Help

A cavity filling will cost $150 to $1,100 per tooth in 2023, depending on the type of material used and the severity of the cavity.

According to data collected for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, approximately 2.4 billion people have cavities in their teeth. While the situation has gotten better in the last few decades, there’s still much awareness needed to improve and maintain teeth hygiene and health.

Dental hygiene has come a long way. Today, you can get various kinds of cavity fillings depending on the affected area, your budget, and preference.

What Are Cavity Fillings?

Tooth decay or cavities are holes that form on the surface of the tooth. In most cases, cavities start small, then gradually enlarge, especially with poor dental hygiene and irregular dental checkups.

Cavities can be caused by various factors, including bacterial infection, frequent consumption of snacks and sugary drinks, and not cleaning the teeth properly. Since they start small, they may be initially hard to detect, especially to an untrained eye. Most people visit the dentist when the cavities are too large or develop pain.

Left untreated, cavities can lead to toothaches, infection and tooth loss.

To remedy tooth decay, dentists drill to remove any decaying material from the tooth. The dentist then fills the tooth with composite resin, porcelain fillings, gold or silver. Cavity-filling is a straightforward procedure and can be handled during one visit to the dentist.

factors that impact filling cost

The cost of fillings varies depending on several factors. These include:

  • The number of teeth being filled. The more teeth you need to be filled, the higher the cost.

  • The teeth that need filling. Cavity fillings in molar teeth are more expensive as these teeth are harder to reach and may require special equipment.

  • Size of the cavity. Large tooth decays require more work and material, significantly affecting the price.

  • Different conditions and underlying infections. If the gum or other teeth have been affected by the cavities, you might need more than one dental appointment.

  • Location and your dentist. The price of a cavity filling could also be influenced by your geographical location and the dental specialist involved.

Generally speaking, porcelain filling and composite resin are cheaper than gold and silver fillings. But you should consult with your dental healthcare provider to get the most suitable and affordable filling material.

Type of tooth fillings: What you should know

Several different types of tooth fillings exist. This chart can help you understand your options as well as how long your fillings are expected to last. 

Note that we’ve listed the cost for a single tooth. If you have multiple damaged teeth, you’ll need to pay a separate fee for each one.

Type of Filling

Average Cost

How Long Do They Last?

Resin-based composite


With proper dental hygiene, regular checkups, and general maintenance, resin-based composite can last from 5 to 15 years.



Amalgam fillings are affordable and can last up to 10 years with proper care.

Gold foil


Gold foil fillings last anywhere from 15 to 30 years.

Ceramic or porcelain


After the procedure, you won’t have to think of replacing them for at least 15 years.

How Much Do Cavity Fillings Cost When You Have Insurance?

Fillings aren’t considered cosmetic or elective procedures, and they are covered by most insurance service providers. Composite and amalgam fillings are usually considered a medical necessity. As such, they’re either largely or entirely covered by the insurance cover.

Check if your insurance plan covers just the filling procedure or the entire process. For instance, before the dentist fills the tooth, they need to perform an x-ray. Other additional costs may arise from plaque cleaning and removal before the procedure.

When checking the price with your dentist, ask if the insurance covers these additional costs. Also, obtain the actual cost of the whole procedure, not just for the filling repair.

A cavity can spread so quickly without treatment that a root canal or tooth extraction may be needed. Confirm you know exactly what needs to be done to repair the damage and then get a quote.

How to discuss tooth filling costs with insurance companies

Dental professionals are encouraged to connect with a patient’s insurance company before the appointment starts. That’s why you’re often asked to hand over your identification chart when you check in for your visit. Your dental office calls the company and ensures your plan is still valid.

If you need a tooth filling, your dental office should be able to verify your benefits and provide an estimate with your insurance information. For example, you might get an estimate with a column for the total charges and a column for how much you’ll pay.

In a typical dental plan, basic procedures like fillings are covered at 80%. That means your insurance company will pay 80% of the charges, and you’ll pay the remaining 20%.

However, some plans require you to meet a payment threshold (a deductible) before they’ll pay anything. Others also have maximums, so you can’t spend more than an amount you’ve agreed to in a calendar year.

Your dental professional should explain your benefits to you in your appointment. If you still have questions, call the number on your membership card, explain what you need, and ask the company to outline how much you’ll pay.

How Much Do Cavity Fillings Cost Without Insurance?

The cost of dental fillings is directly tied to the material used, the extent of damage, and the surface covered. Price can also be influenced by whether the cavity is posterior or anterior. If you don’t have insurance, prepare to pay all of the associated fees yourself.

Other tooth filling costs to consider

The material used to make your filling has a deep impact on the cost. However, some dentists charge added fees for other services associated with your fillings.

Some of the additional costs you need to factor in when getting fillings include the following:

  • Dental examinations: $50-$200 per visit

  • Panoramic x-rays: $100-$250 per set

  • Periapical x-rays: $25-$50 per set

  • Bitewing x-rays: $25-$50 per set

  • Nitrous oxide: $40-$150 per visit

  • Non-intravenous conscious sedation: $75-$500 per visit

  • Anesthesia: $100-$500 per visit

Your dental filling cost could also change based on the characteristics of your cavity. If the surface is large, the filling might cost more. If you need a filling on a very visible tooth (like your front tooth), you may be charged more too.

If your dentist says you need a filling, ask for a detailed estimate of the procedure’s overall cost and your out-of-pocket expenses. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the fees you see and how much the procedure will cost.

Ways to get help for paying for fillings

Fillings aren’t cheap, and you should always inquire with your dentist’s office manager about what your insurance will cover. If you don’t have dental insurance, you can go through the American Dental Association and search for affordable dental services near you. Additionally, you could scout for local dentistry schools, which often offer discounts on most procedures.

It’s essential to observe proper dental hygiene and make regular dental appointments. These are the most proven ways of keeping your teeth clean and free from cavities. Dental checkups also help identify cavities early on before the damage gets too extensive.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to serve as dental or other professional health advice and is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or symptom. You should consult a dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.