How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

Clinical Content Reviewed by Byte Licensed DDS
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Table of Contents

  1. What Is Dental Bonding?
  2. Dental Bonding Costs
  3. Bonding Replacement
  4. How Does Dental Bonding Compare?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Other Ways to Pay
  7. Insurance Coverage

Depending on the type of bonding used, why the bonding is being done, the extent of the procedure, and the location, the costs of dental bonding can range from under $100 per tooth to up to nearly $1,000 per tooth. On average, it costs $300 to $600 per tooth.

As a cosmetic procedure, dental bonding is often not covered by dental insurance. There are payment plans and additional options to help offset the costs of the procedure.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding involves applying tooth-colored resin to your teeth to improve their appearance. It is a one of the least expensive cosmetic dental procedures that can repair cracked or chipped teeth, change the shape of your teeth, fill gaps, or be used as fillings for a cavity.

With dental bonding, a special composite resin material that is the same color as your teeth is applied to the surface of them. A special UV light is then used to harden the material on your teeth. The procedure is quick and easy, and it requires very little prep or recovery time.

There are several reasons dental bonding can be a good option. It can be used to:

  • Fill cavities in place of the traditional silver fillings.

  • Cover up stained or discolored teeth.

  • Repair cracked or chipped teeth.

  • Fill gaps between teeth.

  • Change the shape of your teeth for cosmetic reasons.

  • Elongate the tooth to cover an exposed tooth root after gum recession.

Most of the time, dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure meant to improve appearance.

Cost Range for Dental Bonding

Costs Involved in Dental Bonding

On average, dental bonding for cosmetic purposes costs between $300 and $600 per tooth. Prices can range from as low as under $100 per tooth to over $1,000 per tooth, depending on several factors.

According to our research, your final dental bonding cost could change, depending on the following issues.


Additional Cost (Per Our Research)

Tooth located in the front (not the back)


Multiple chips (instead of just one)


Extensive damage


Note that the prices we’ve listed apply to the repair of a single tooth. Expect to pay a similar price for every tooth you’d like your dentist to fix.

Depending on the severity of the issue dental bonding can be done in a single visit, unless you’re having several teeth bonded and it can take between an hour or two.

Bonding Replacement

Dental bonding will need to be replaced after a period of time. It typically lasts about 5 to 10 years, so at some point, it will need to be done again.

Dental bonding is typically less expensive than other options, such as veneers, crowns, or dentures. Even having to redo it after several years can end up being less expensive than going with a different dental cosmetic procedure.

Dental bonding is designed for small fixes. If you need more extensive work, a different option may be necessary.

How Does Dental Bonding Compare?

Dental bonding is just one of the methods you could use to improve your smile. Several others are available. This table can help you understand what your other options are and how they work: 


What Is It?

Average Cost


Dentists apply thin, tooth-colored strips to the front of your teeth to cover up imperfections.

$500-$1,100 per tooth


Your dentist uses a tooth-shaped cap to cover a damaged tooth from the gumline to the tip.

$500-$2,500 (depending on the material used in the crown)


One or multiple artificial teeth are attached to a plate that fits in your mouth. Full and partial versions are available.

$300-$500 for one full or partial plate

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

Does insurance cover your dental bonding cost?

The National Association of Dental Plans explains that standard policies cover procedures that keep your mouth healthy. If you need an examination, cleaning, fluoride application, or root canal, that’s probably covered. However, purely cosmetic procedures are very different. 

Most people use dental bonding to make their teeth look better. They don’t need the procedure to help them do things like talk or eat their food. A procedure for a fully cosmetic issue is rarely covered by dental insurance.

Sometimes, dental bonding is considered medically necessary. At that point, it can be at least partially covered by insurance. A medical reason for bonding can mean using the technique to repair a worn or broken tooth. In these cases, dental insurance may cover 50% to 80% of dental bonding costs on average. Check with your insurance provider to determine the specifics of your policy and plan’s coverage options. 

If you haven’t purchased dental insurance yet and need dental bonding, ask any potential partners if they cover the procedure and how long you’ll need to wait to use your benefits to pay for your care.

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Washington State recommends asking these questions when you’re shopping for dental insurance:

  • What are the costs, benefits, and exclusions (things that aren’t covered) of this plan?

  • What dentists accept this insurance?

  • How do I cancel the policy if I don’t want it anymore?

Other Ways to Pay for Dental Bonding

Even when dental bonding is not covered through insurance, it can still be discounted if you have a dental discount plan. These plans can help to lower your out-of-pocket costs when using specific providers. Generally, you will pay a monthly or annual fee for one of these plans, but it can save you money down the line.

Many dental offices and providers also offer financing options and payment plans that allow you to pay for dental bonding in installments to help you budget for the costs of the procedure. Different providers and dental offices may offer variable rates, which can be influenced by geographical location and reputation. It can therefore be beneficial to shop around for dental bonding.

Dental Bonding FAQs

No, cosmetic dental bonding does not ruin your teeth. Even if you get dental bonds for entirely cosmetic reasons and not to fix a chipped or damaged tooth, the bonding should stay in place for several years and continue to look like a healthy, natural tooth.

Make sure you get bonding done by a dentist you trust. Some cosmetic dentistry practices offer “deals” or “coupons” for low-cost bonding. You may not be happy with the results of these offers, and they might not last as long.

There are no major risks with dental bonding, but it is important to keep up a good oral hygiene routine so your teeth stay healthy for as long as possible, including around the dental bond. If you have misaligned teeth, you might not be able to get braces or clear aligners if you have extensive dental bonding. Ask your dentist about this risk and determine if you need orthodontic treatment before getting bonds.

Dental bonding does not last forever, but it does last for a long time if you take care of your teeth. Depending on the quality and material used in bonding, the dental bond can last anywhere from 3 to 10 years.

If you get dental bonding when you are younger, you will need to follow your dentist’s advice to keep your teeth and bond healthy. This way, you won’t likely need to replace the bonding for a long time.

Your dentist may recommend an option other than dental bonding if you need treatment for non-cosmetic reasons. Dental bonding is used to improve the appearance of stained, misshapen, chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth, so your smile looks more even.

You may benefit more from an implant, which involves removing the damaged tooth and replacing it with an artificial tooth shaped to look like the original tooth. Or, you might benefit from orthodontics like clear aligners, which can move your teeth back into proper alignment, so they look more even and similar in size.

You care for dental bonding on your teeth just like you would care for your non-bonded teeth. Brush at least twice per day, floss or use interdental brushes at least once per day, and add mouthwash or mouth rinse to help remove more food particles.

Try to avoid too many drinks or foods that might stain your teeth. Your dental bonding will react to coffee, red wine, soy sauce, or other potential staining substances the same as your other teeth.

You may want to avoid toothpastes with grit in them, like activated charcoal or baking soda, which are designed to whiten your teeth by scrubbing stains and particles off them. However, ask your dentist about the best cleaning options for dental bonding, so you know exactly how to keep your smile healthy for longer.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to serve as dental or other professional health advice and is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or symptom. You should consult a dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.